Bexley Public School

Quality Learning in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 9567 3501

Creative arts

Creative arts is mandatory for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. 

In creative arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts where they learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform.

Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives.

Creative and performing arts

Students K-6 participate in creative and performing arts (CAPA) groups every Wednesday afternoon. Dance, choir and drama groups have opportunities to perform during Education Week at school and at local shopping centres. The dance and choir groups have the opportunity to perform at the St. George Performing Arts Festival. Students with particular interests and talents can participate in local and statewide activities in visual arts, music, dance and drama.

Schools spectacular

Schools Spectacular is an outstanding showcase of the talent in NSW public schools. In terms of sheer size, scale and scope, Schools Spectacular is unequalled in the world with a 2,700-strong choir, 2,300 diverse dancers, an 80-piece symphony orchestra, a world-class stage band and a huge number of outstanding solo performers. For more information about Schools Spectacular.


An annual series of exhibitions of exemplary artworks created by New South Wales visual arts students for the Higher School Certificate. For more information about Artexpress.