About Us
The parent and citizens' association (P&C) are a group of parents, carers and teachers who volunteer their time to support Bexley Public School. We are a not for profit organisation with a focus on community and inclusiveness, and support the school through encouraging participation, applying for community grants, and running fundraising and other events while providing families opportunities to socialise and get to know one another and the wider school community.
Ways to get involved
Meetings & Membership
The Bexley Public School P&C meets twice a term in Week 3 and Week 8 at 7pm in the Literacy Centre (entry via Forrest Road).
We invite all parents and carers to join us to hear more about what is going on at school, help plan fundraising events and share ideas and meet other members of the school community. You don't need to be a member of the P&C to attend meetings or volunteer, however members have voting rights to help make decisions. The membership fee to join is $1 and you decide how much time you can offer; on a regular basis or as a one-off.
Next meeting: Wednesday 4th December 2024
Please email secretary@bexleypublicschoolpandc.onmicrosoft.com for more details
Volunteering & Fundraising
Although we would love you to become a member of the P&C and attend our meetings there are many other ways to be involved. We hold various fundraising events each year, including Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls, BBQs, raffles and assist with other events such as school discos. You may have a particular skill to share or the ability to assist in the lead up to our events or on the day. We are also often seeking donations for raffle prizes and our stalls.
If you would like to be involved please email secretary@bexleypublicschoolpandc.onmicrosoft.com for more details.